Gregorius Techneticies
About Me (Gregorius)

If you went here for my Contact Info, that one is here.
If you want to learn more about Greg Lore, go to the Page of Greg.
If you want to know about my opinion on some random unrelated Game Design, go here.
This Page is about me as a Person and contains Information, which may or may not be interesting to you.
So if you are interested in knowing what kind of person I am, go ahead and read.
But be warned, if you suffer the "too much information"-syndrome then don’t read it, because I tell an awful lot about myself and also some of the issues I live with.
The reasons I tend to be so open are simple, first of all others see me and then notice "there is someone else with Problems similar to what I have", motivating them to also talk about their Problems more openly.
And secondly if people talk about their Problems, someone might walk by and give a helpful tip on solving said Problems, which works especially well on the Internet.
I don’t care about pity or sympathy, even if my constant mentioning of Issues might seem like that, it’s kinda annoying because it makes everything seem whiny, inspiring people to be mean to each other in the end.
Also be aware that people do slowly and slightly change/improve/worsen over time in different aspects, and same applies to me. Easiest example of this is, that I got way nicer, but I also am less often "productive regarding public projects".


Gregorius Techneticies, that is my full Name on the Internet, but it’s easier to just say Greg, Gregorius, GregoriusT or even Grag if you want to be funny.
I also prefer being talked to using the different variations of Greg/Gregorius rather than my IRL Name. (this may be slightly different for close Friends)


33, let’s see if I update this in time in 2025, or if I will forget about it.


It’s complicated, but it makes sense.
I’m a panromantic antisexual genderless nonbinary happening-to-be-biologically-and-legally-male person, and I don’t care if I behave more masculine or feminine at any given moment.
Pronoun wise it is whichever is the least confusing one given the situation, which is most oftenly the male one.


Bavaria, the Texas of Germany.


English and German. My English somehow got better than my German by being on the Internet. Well, apart from Capitalization.


I did study Computer Science, but failed near the end.
You don’t need any educational Degrees to be a good Developer, you need to just care about what you are doing and try to make it good as well! That will get almost anyone into the upper 5 percent of best Developers.
Every Dev who I saw fail at what they were doing, just did not give a shit about fixing their Problems, or started blindly listening to a very small selection of their Community, calling that selection "Democracy" despite never having given anyone the ability to vote properly or at all in the first place.
For examples on Bad Development, see all GregTech Ports or Clones, that have not been done by me, yes they are ALL bad without any exception (as of Spring 2024). Heck, even GT6 as unfinished as it is, like all my GTs, is not that good.


Unemployed but ofcourse working on whatever Stuff I like working on, including Mechaenetia, drawing things, messing around with music and thinking about stuff.
I am not able to actually do stuff for anyone else, just because they tell/pay/commission me to, I need a real reason to do anything. Being nice to people is often a real reason.
I’m mainly driven by Inspiration and some sort of OCD, for almost anything else I just end in messing up royally, because of not being able to remember all tasks/instructions or their order. Or as I like to call it, my Brain is low on RAM.
I do depend on others regarding staying alive, mostly because I cant drive, due to high light sensitivity and lack of focus, and because in Winter I cant breathe outside.
One could say my occupation is hanging around in my Chat/Server and working on some random creative project.

Opinions (and Rants)

People should just be themselves and not try to adhere to meaningless cultural nonsense or idolized figures. Finding your personal meaning of Life helps realizing what you truly want, and makes sure you aren’t yet another soulless copy of some random other person.
Money is just a plaything for immature people. Binding the survival and basic living conditions of anyone to Money, is just a cover up for Slavery. I’m glad Germany got over it by now, even though some politicians pretend it’s not the case already. Using Money as an incentive to improve living conditions beyond the basic needs is somewhat okay though. Earth is just way too deep into capitalism by now to get rid of all of it at once.
Art of any kind is something that should be shared, not sold, because it is meant to convey something. "Intellectual Property" should not be a concept, instead there should just be a right to be credited, purely for the sake of making it easier for other people to find similar Art.
I need to prefix the next lines by repeating that I am Nonbinary myself, and that I feel more insulted than respected by the current solutions (especially the horrendous german one), to the point of still mostly using the male pronouns, because of getting less disciminated against.
Gender being specified in any Language should be abolished, there should only be a genderneutral pronoun and version of each job title (and dont make up new words!), which should make gender identity a grammatical nonissue, leading to way fewer awkward or discriminating situations. Said neutral verbiage should also not sound like an absolute Edgelord made them up, so no Letters like Q, X, Z or "an Asterisk that is pronounced like an awkward pause in the middle of the Word".
It would be great if pronouns worked similar to Japanese Honorifics, so you can refer to people depending on your connection with them.


Working on the things I get inspired to do. I often end up spending more time in my Head than actually doing things, and I know it’s a problem.
Getting inspired through watching Videos, which include: Science/Tech Stuff, Sci Fi, Anime, DnD Campaigns by TFS and Rustage, some MC things.
Listening to Videogame Music and Remixes of it: It’s like 99% SiIvaGunner to be honest, even though only a fraction of that Channel is actually good.
I also play(ed) a few Videogames the noteworthy ones being: Minecraft, Terraria, Factorio, Dwarf Fortress, Cogmind, StarMade, Stellaris, Cossacks, Shovel Knight, and the best thing I can do while still paying good attention listening to DnD: Wario’s Woods for the SNES.
I enjoy being nice to the people who I genuinely like. Sure there are not many of those, but even just being a neutral/nice person to me makes me like someone. I also enjoy to listen to Friends talking about their Life, and giving them advice if I have advices to give, even though I sometimes end up remembering own Problems I could have solved differently (what is kinda bad, because I always find new ways to solve old Memories).
Puns and intentionally taking things too literally or out of context. It’s just too much fun to not share those at times! Also saying that stuff out loud can actually prevent misunderstandings sometimes.
As you may have noticed, all those things are stuff I can do at home, I don’t leave the house very often, and prefer staying inside, sometimes for multiple weeks if I’m lucky. Glad I could take advantage of the early 2020’s for excusing that. XD


Normally no breakfast unless I leave the House very early, in which case two Slices of Bread with Salami or similar, or just the Salami as is, because who needs Bread. XD
I usually eat one Plate of whatever is cooked for Lunch, I did cut back on the large amount pasta because that made me feel sick.
A small bowl of Fruits in the evening. Most of the time it is one of the following: Kiwis, Nectarines, Cherries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Currants or Watermelon.
And about two Packages (100-300g each) of Snacks/Sweets per Week.
I mostly drink Mineral Water of the non-carbonated kind, about a Bottle (1.5L) per day. Stay Hydrated!
This "Diet" makes me lose about one or two kgs per Month, but everyones metabolism is different, so don’t take these values as an advice.
As for favourite Foods in general:
Lasagna Carbonara/Alfredo (essentially the Ham equivalent of Lasagna)
Strawberries, Kiwis, Blackberries, Currants (Red & White)
Berliner with icing (or was it called frosting?) and filled with Jelly (Donut alike)
Stollen (Raisin Fruitcake with powdered Sugar ontop)
Selfmade Chocolate-Vanilla-Caramel-Nutella Ice Cream (yes all of those are combined in one).


I’m about 1.80m tall.
Have a full Beard unless I just got my brown Hair cut short (yep, no red hair IRL).
Wear eggman-esque blue tinted circular Glasses outside (my eyes are insanely light sensitive to the point of not being able to drive, even with sunglasses).
And am a typical Nerd, who focuses more on their own Stuff than on their appearance (I don’t really care how I appear to others, if anything it helps me easily detect shallow people).
I do have non-allergic Asthma (Small Lung Volume and sensitivity to Temperature), and the Inhaler does mostly fix it. Though it doesn’t help against Smells/Sprays (such as Deodorants) that lock up my Lungs and make me cough uncontrollably.
I tend to have a bunch of random useful things on me at all times, because you never know when you need to use them.


In general I like and accept myself the way I am, and don’t want anyone to attempt making me feel otherwise, nor to try changing me, especially not with the fake intent of "helping me" without actually doing so.
There are some things on me that would definitely classify as OCD, but I can live with them and they are part of me, and they are not that extreme.
When I say I enjoy something, it’s usually just the relaxing kind of enjoyment to me, distracting me from stuff, or just doing things so I don’t theorize about doing them anymore. I don’t even feel anything while I am laughing most of the time, it’s just the same neutral feeling.
So as long as nothing bad happens to me, I am feeling fine. But "actually feeling good" is very rare and even when it happens, it is rarely repeatable after happening once per whatever caused it.
Due to barely feeling anything myself, I do feel what others around me feel much more, kindof like a Mirror, which can be both great and terrible depending on the emotion, intent and reasoning people show. I avoid bad people and most social media, because of their huge negative impact on me.
This is why a lot of times, when interacting with any people, I tend to "reflect" the emotion I get from the interaction, meaning I usually feel the same way as them to some extend, but also that I enjoy others feeling happy, even if that emotion doesn’t originate from myself, it’s still there and I feel it. But this does not apply to my opinion about things. My opinion can normally only be changed with actual Logic.
I’m also a bit of an Enabler because of this. Making sure others have a nice time is the best thing I can do to actually feel good. Doesn’t change that I can be lazy, trolly or annoyed at times though. XD
All I want for those I surround myself with is to have a nice time, while I myself am just the "boring" person in the background making sure everything is nice.
Almost everything else I do in life revolves around my Creativity (or mostly getting as many things out of my head as possible), there are very few other things I do actually care about.
Most of my time is spent in my Room at the Computer doing stuff and sometimes relaxing to recharge my Brain. I usually don’t leave my Room unless it is really necessary, because it is one of the very few places where I’m able to feel relaxed at and calm down, since nothing extraordinary happens there to distract me.
Quite obviously I am not a sporty person at all, I don’t move all that much, but I don’t care about that being unhealthy, nor about me being weak, I just live my life as is and am okay with that. Might need to fix that weakness thing somewhen, but that is an Issue for Future Greg.
I’m a Minimalist, if there is something I don’t really need, I won’t get or use it, though at times curiosity gets me with some Tech things (looks at all the Raspberry Pi Stuff laying around). I don’t use a Smartphone for that reason (I have a PinePhone by now, though still no real use in having it apart from 4G Compat), because I don’t need that and I don’t see a purpose in it, nor do I like any of the mainstream Mobile Operating Systems or Touchscreens.
I tend to capitalise Nouns despite using the English Language, as you might have noticed. And it is inconsistent as Hell.
The ideal Room-Temperature for me is between 20 and 22°C, so I feel actually motivated to do stuff. 16°C is the minimum before it gets too cold, and anything above 23°C is already too hot for me. And when it’s 4°C or less, I cant even go outside for more than 5 minutes.
Often my Brain can be described as "Single-Core-Processor with Low RAM, Large SSD and High End Graphics Card", simply because I can only do one thing at a time, dont respond well to interruptions, cant remember many things in the short term, but remember a lot of Stuff in the long term and have a very detailed Imagination.

Favourite Fictional Characters, mostly Villains

Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik (Sonic)
Dr. Vegapunk (One Piece, and damn did Vegapunk rip off my Greg-Lore in way too many aspects! XD)
Blackbeard (One Piece)
King Knight (Shovel Knight)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Magolor (Kirby)
Wario (Mario)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Crowley (Supernatural)
Rouxls Kaard (Deltarune)
Mettaton (Undertale)
Sans (Undertale)
Pinkie Pie (MLP)
Lord Business (LEGO Movie)
Orochimaru (Naruto)
Dr. Gero (Dragonball Z)
Ba’al (Stargate)
Yanus (Stargate Atlantis)
Lore (Star Trek)
Q (Star Trek)
Dr. Fetus (Super Meat Boy)
Karras (Game: "Dark Project II: Metal Age" aka "Thief II", his German Voice is much better than the insanely nasal English one)
Agent Smith (Matrix)
Maximillion (Game: Evil Genius)
Greg the Pirate Captain (Game: Gothic II)

About my "Fictional" Original Character, that I am impersonating (aka Gregorius Techneticies)

I moved most of this Text to its own Page of Greg by now. ^^

Some of the mental Issues that I have (a lot of the time I try to avoid them, what works fine on the internet, but not IRL)

First and foremost, I hate when others who don’t fully know how I work, try to solve my problems in a way that would make them even worse. This goes so far that it can literally knock me out, because of the extreme stress it causes. Sure advices are good and okay, but don’t try to push me to do them using real life consequences, that is the worst thing you can do.
I avoid stress wherever possible and won’t do anything that would cause me stress, because of the devastating sideeffects it has on me. This is one of the reasons I can’t do anything that others tell me to do, since expectations = list of instructions = stress for me, just because I usually don’t understand what is actually expected from me. Don’t expect me to do anything in particular, that is the safest bet. I’m still nice and try to fix problems people have, especially when there is no consequences to fear, like on the Internet.
Speaking of things I avoid, I tend to not start any contact with anyone I don’t know, people have to contact me, or I have to be at the location on a regular basis (like a Chat Room), or am expected to appear in a nondemanding way.
I can’t do "nothing" without almost falling asleep because of the boredom, I sincerely hate having to wait or being idle, and it is the worst torture for me. I dislike travelling for that reason, because it always takes ages to get anywhere, even if it’s just right around the corner. I would prefer just staying at home and doing my own stuff almost all day.
My Attention can always only focus on one thing, not more. Now you might say "sure nobody can truly Multitask, where is the issue?", the Issue is that I can’t "Fake-Multitask" either, it takes a while to switch my attention away from things, so much in fact that when I get distracted, I keep in mind what I did before, and need to recollect myself before continuing. Due to this, I can’t do certain things at all, such as driving vehicles or having more than 2 active chat tabs/windows open at once.
As I said, I can only think about one thing at a time, so as soon as I even just worry about something, I’m absolutely unable to think properly about anything else unrelated to it until it is resolved, or until I gave up (which does take a while).
The only way to make me do new stuff is successfully inspiring me to do it. So unless I get the Idea to do something myself (even if the Idea itself is from someone else), or feel mentally good about doing it, there is a high chance that I will lack the motivation to do it properly or even at all, even if it is relatively important.
I tend to be annoyed whenever I have to repeat myself or am asked the same question over and over without being told what the problem of my answer was. Also very obvious questions where one of my previous answers was along the lines of "just try it yourself!" or "look it up in NEI!" being asked in rapid succession, in which case I will often just stop answering alltogether.
Due to many of these Problems I am not very independant at all. I tend to avoid all bad and annoying things and just focus on the good part of life, but that only works if I can keep all the bad/annoying things out of my mind. I just can’t live with most responsibilities, and have to be free from them, in order to live out my creativity.
And that is what I need to survive - the total freedom to just be a creative person and forget about anything that worries me. If I didn’t have that freedom to some extend, I would probably end up in a very bad situation.

Ah well, I wrote a lot, didn’t I (I bet you tl;dr-ed most of this)

Yes, I’m a very open person and essentially gave a good rough overview about me as a whole. Don’t say I didn’t warn you about the extend and detail of this. Almost all the Information about me listed here, could be found on other Sources, where I talked about myself aswell. I just compacted it and made it easier to access. Social Media does that very often aswell. Judge me if you want, I don’t care. I just feel much better if people can look up who/what I am, by just looking at this Page.